
I'm Hasnat.

a programmer.

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I am a Web Developer. I am passionate about programming. Solving complex IT challenges and turning ideas into reality through coding give me an unparalleled sense of joy and accomplishment. Any day, I would choose coding over any other work. Besides coding, I am interested in sports. I used to play for the Newfoundland provincial cricket team and am an avid fan of soccer.

My Projects.

Protiti Website-image

A professional singer/artist from Bangladesh wants to showcase her diverse range of talents and experiences on a personalized website. Her goal is to put all her works into an online platform for easy accessibility. This website will serve as a versatile portfolio for her music and art career simultaneously. Currently a work in progress, this project will have two main pages for art and music. Copies of her artworks can be viewed and ordered for purchase through this website. Her music videos will be presented for viewing and clicking them will redirect to the original YouTube videos.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

Check it out!

Evolutionary Algorithm for Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

The objective of this project was to design and implement an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The population of the project was a list of different random tours. Fitness of each tour is the inverse of total distance; the lower the total distance the higher the fitness of the tour. Different techniques used in this project are: Swap Mutation, Ordered Crossover, Tournament Selection or Roulette Wheel for parent selection, and '(µ + λ) Selection' for survivor selection. The effectiveness of the algorithm was used on different maps, such as Western Sahara, Uruguay, and Canada.

Technology: Python

Check it out!


In this fun project, I created a web application to create and save personalized notes. The future plan for this project is to create user accounts and allow users to save, edit, and delete notes. These notes will be stored in a remote database.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

Check it out!

Custom To-do List

This project allows users to save and delete to-do reminders. The goal of this project is to merge it with the NotesForUs app to create a single platform where users can access, edit, and save their notes as well as to-do lists. Another future functionality of the project will be to add an alert system which will notify users about nearing deadlines.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

Check it out!

Web Application for Database Query

The objective of this project was to implement a web application by employing client-server architecture that allows users to invoke database queries. This project focused more on the backend functionality rather visual aspects of the User Interface. The project works to return a few preset database queries but can be extended to invoke any database query as needed. The rundown of this project and its results can be accessed on GitHub.

Technologies: Python, HTML, MySQL, Apache

Check it out!

My Work Experience.

Support Engineer

Vocantas, Ottawa, ON

Jan 2020 - Present
  • Troubleshoot technical problems with software, diagnose issues with installation and application, identify sources of problems and offer solutions.
  • Work closely with software engineers and development teams in .NET environment to identify and resolve potential issues in the development phase.
  • Troubleshoot database related issues in MS SQL and assist with database maintenance.
  • Analyse and configure production IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and SIP-based VoIP systems for clients.
  • Work with the development team to improve functionality,and participate in the validation of new software releases.

IT/AV Technical Support

Emera Innovation Exchange, St. John's, NL

Sep 2019 - Dec 2019 (Contract)
  • Setting up and checking the in-house IT/AV system.
  • Working with the IT/AV system, including webcast and multisite connection.
  • Troubleshooting technical issues relating to the system.
  • Controlling and monitoring inventory database for the equipment needed at various locations at the Signal Hill Campus.

Research Assistant

Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL

May 2016 - Apr 2018
  • Setting up and checking the in-house IT/AV system.
  • Worked in an anthropological project that explored the cultural and social practices of native and settled Hawai'ians.
  • Co-edited "Multiple Perspectives on Education and Society in Newfoundland and Labrador: Vol. 2" with Dr. Amrjit Singh, Joan Oldford, Rob Kelly, Nadeem Saqlain and Amit Sundly.

Rogers Customer Care Rep, Tier 2

Sykes Canada, St. John's, NL

Jan 2014 - Aug 2014
  • Troubleshot Rogers's service problems and technical disturbances.
  • Performed sales and marketing of Rogers' services and products.
  • Managed paperwork for payments and collections of services.

Get In Touch.

Love soccer? Let's connect. I can't wait to talk about how Lionel Messi is the absolute best! If you love to code, maybe we can code together while watching Messi score some of the greatest goals in history!

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